It is difficult to find flaws in your own work. It is equally difficult to be objective with something that you are attached to on an emotional level. Rewriting can be a tiresome task but it is vital for transforming a piece of writing into a piece of admiration.
What is rewriting?

Rewriting is the simple process of writing again in order to enhance the meaning or alter the information. Rewriting is often tedious and looked down as boring, but it is a modifier and most of the time a game changer for a writer. It is an inevitable part of the editing process that is concerned with the major changes of words and grammar. It is a process that converts and paraphrases the work into a systematic order.
Why is Rewriting essential to the writing process ?

Rewriting helps refine the language used and increase connectivity of the write up. Rewriting works like a toner for the piece of writing by creating a levelled outlook. It also functions like a police or a watchdog by neutralising the unwanted elements which obstruct the viewer from reading and understanding the content. This function is often performed by a third person who gives a fair opinion.
Rewriting helps validate an opinion about which the writer is doubtful. It ensures that the piece of writing is filtered and is fit for the viewer’s discretion.
With an increasingly techno friendly world where all information is available on the fingertips it is difficult to distinguish between a fact and an opinion in such cases it is more than necessary for the writers to use rewriting as a tool to justify the meaning of the content.
Tips for Rewriting

From one writer to another, here are some tips that can be used to simplify the process of rewriting.
- Zone out: After you finish your work just zone out for a while by watching some Netflix or eating something you like. Do anything that makes you forget the content that you were working on. Try meditating or grabbing a quick detox drink if you are someone who loves to cling on to healthy stuff.
- Break up your content: Segregate your content by scheming through it once or twice. Highlight the parts using different colours according to the intensity of the changes that you want to make. For example Red colour for the parts which need maximum changes.
- Check grammar: Nothing spoils a good piece of idea like bad grammar, use apps to be double sure you can also use these apps to replace some words which you feel that don’t match.
- Proofread: It aids the process of improvisation, do it more than once something innovative might click.
- A fair opinion: Ask a fellow writer or a colleague to aid in this process. Ask someone who’s opinion and views matter. This step will further enhance the content.
Prepare a schedule if you have a habit of procrastination. Lastly, do not fail to write about what you believe in, you are the greatest influence on your content.