Month of May is here with us bringing new hopes to many specially for UPSC aspirants who are preparing for their prelims in June. This month may seem very usual to many of us but this month is no less than the treasure of important days. Month of May, named after the Greek goddess of fertility Maia, is the ending month of spring, and welcome of summer season.
If you are one of them who likes seeing uniqueness in dates then this month is seriously going to impress you. This month has a unique first day and last day, and no other month repeats those days as their first or last. And if these reasons are not enough to make you fall in love with this month then the stone of the month will, i.e., birthstone emerald which symbolizes love and success.
This month comes with a list of important days in May 2021/holidays in may 2021, and if you look closely, this month is a gem to spread awareness in the times of corona. May it be on hand hygiene on hand hygiene day(5th may) Or to thank and celebrate the services of nurses during the times of pandemic International nurses day(12th may) is the right day to do that.
Also, instead of forwarding messages in WhatsApp to prove your love for your mother, plan to make her day better in the upcoming Mother’s day which is on 9th of may. So, the importance of this month can only be calculated after having an overview of the upcoming events.
Following are the Important days in may 2021/ holidays in may 2021.
Table of Contents
1st May, 2021: Worker’s Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
Worker’s day also known as May Day marks an important event in the history of status of workers in the society. This day is to remember the struggles and protests by laborers in the wake of violation of workers rights in the US during the late 19th century.
Workers’ exploitation by making them work for long hours and in pathetic conditions gave enough reasons to the workers to protest against the government.
This date symbolizes the tragedy of Chicago that took place in a Haymarket, in the United states. According to the historian estimates, around 30,000 to 40,000 workers came to participate in the peaceful protest. Everything went peacefully until the last day when the confrontation between strike breakers and striking workers at the McCormick harvesting machine company interrupted the peaceful protest. In order to disperse the protests, officials started open fire at the protesters and ended up killing two of them.
On may 4th an attempt to disperse the protesters went to the next level when police bombed the area and ended up killing estimately 11 people which includes seven officials and four civilians . This day carries great importance for the people working in the upliftment of the working class
2nd May, 2021: World Tuna Day | World Laughter Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
World Tuna Day

This day is celebrated to make the consumption of tuna sustainable. It is an initiative by an United Nation Organization in the wake of increasing demands of Tuna fish from both developed and developing countries.
Species of tuna are majorly found in the parts of Atlantic, Pacific, Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean. The major idea behind the initiative is to highlight the importance of the fish in our lives and the need of a conservative management to make the consumption sustainable.
Economy of some countries majorly depends on Tuna fish and other marine sources. The sole aim of this day is to make the tuna markets more considerable in the amount of fishing. Overfishing will not only have consequences for biodiversity but also for their economy depending on these fishes. This day comes in our list of important days in May 2021/ holidays in May 2021.
World Laughter Day
Want to have a better morning ? Start it with a laugh. Laughing in not only a mood lighter but it is an effective therapy to deal with stress, anxiety and other mental health problems. This day is meant to make people realize how valuable their every laugh is and how they can appreciate it by laughing more.
This day is utilized by the communities and clubs that encourage laughing, to raise awareness about the benefits of laughing as they gather and laugh together. This day was first observed in Los Angeles in 2005 and now it is observed worldwide.
3rd May, 2021: Press Freedom Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
Press Freedom Day
Press or we can say the media plays a huge role in our society as it keeps us aware of all the deeds of the government. But this job is very difficult to do as keeping the society aware is mostly against many big institutions.
So special provisions are made to ensure the freedom of press so that they can bring unbiased news safely. But still sometimes, journalists are killed for telling the truth and to remember those journalists and to ensure press freedom worldwide, UNESCO proclaimed this day to act as a reminder for the government to understand the need for a free and fair press in society. This day the media is also reminded about its sole purpose that is to serve the truth stocking to the professional ethics. This day comes in our list of important days in may 2021/ holidays in may 2021
This year’s theme is “Information as Public Good”.
5th May, 2021: World Asthma Day | Hand Hygiene Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
World Asthma Day

Recognizing asthma as a major issue in the health segment of the people. WHO in collaboration with GINA(Global initiative for Asthma) organizes World Asthma Day in the month of may every year to spread awareness about the disease and how to deal with it.
Asthma is a disease which cannot be cured but it can be managed to live with. Due to several misconceptions about Asthma, people suffering from Asthma are also made to suffer the consequences of these misconceptions.
Misconceptions like- People suffering cannot exercise but in reality if the patient’s condition is under controlled then he can play any sport easily.
The theme for this year is “Uncovering Asthma Misconception”
Hand Hygiene Day
We all have been taught about hand hygiene in our young age. It’s not a new concept. But now, during the times of pandemic we have actually realized its importance. Hand hygiene day is a global campaign launched by WHO in 2009 that aims to spread awareness about the importance of hand hygiene especially when taking care of a patient. This day comes in our list of important days in may 2021/ holidays in may 2021
This year the theme for the campaign is “Achieving Hand Hygiene at the Point of Care”. And the slogan for the same is “Seconds Saves Lives- Clean Your Hands”.
6th May, 2021: International No Diet Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
International No Diet Day
Every year on May 6th, This day is celebrated to appreciate and accept the different body types that exist in the world.
With the aim to educate people about the harmful impact of rigorous diet plans that are very unhealthy, Mary Evans Young started this movement in the year of 1992. The idea of this day is to celebrate health in every size. All you need to do is to accept it. This day comes in our list of important days in may 2021/ holidays in may 2021
7th May, 2021: Border Road Organization Raising Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
Border Road Organization Rising Day
Border Road Organization(BRO) will celebrate their 61st raising day in the month of May. This day celebrates the service of the organization in the arena of infrastructural development in the country, especially in border areas. The ideology of the organization is “Shramena Sarvam Sadhyam” which means “Everything is Achievable through Hard Work”.
8th may, 2021: World Migratory Bird Day | World Red Cross Day | World Thalassemia Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
World Migratory Bird Day

World Migratory Bird Day celebrates and supports the natural movement of Migratory birds from their Nesting to other regions. Day is meant to educate people about different species of Birds coexisting with Humans. So that they understand the importance of maintaining ecological integrity and work in the direction of conserving it.
World Red Cross Day

On 8th may, World Red Cross Day or World Red Crescent Day is celebrated on the occasion of the birth anniversary of the founder of Red Cross and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Henry Dunant.
This day is dedicated to acknowledge the people who are suffering from food shortage, natural calamities, war effects, and disease. Many Countries in collaboration with the movement are working to provide help to the affected people. This day comes in our list of important days in may 2021/ holidays in may 2021
World Thalassemia Day

This day is observed on 8th May, this day is dedicated to make people aware about the do’s and don’ts for people suffering from Thalassemia. Thalassemia is a disease which is caused by the deficiency of hemoglobin in the body which can also cause anemia and weak immunity. It is suggested that people who are suffering from thalassemia and are in their initial stage. They can avoid treatment by including healthy activities in their daily life. This day comes in our list of important days in may 2021/ holidays in may 2021
Theme for this year is “Addressing Health Inequalities Across the Global Thalassemia Community”
9th May, 2021: Mother’s Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
Mother’s Day

This Year Mother’s day is on 9th of may. This day is meant to appreciate and acknowledge the contribution of mothers in a family. People across the world celebrate this day by preparing gifts, and surprises for the mothers and putting efforts to make their mother feel special. This day features in our Important days in May 2021/Holidays in May 2021.
11 th May, 2021: National Technology Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
National Technology Day

National Technology Day is an important day in the month of may as it marks the anniversary of operation shakti (Pokhran nuclear missile test), this mission is seen as a huge step by India towards science and technology. The main idea of the day is to create interest in people, especially students about Science and technology and encourage students to make their career in this field. This day comes in our list of important days in may 2021/ holidays in may 2021.
12th may, 2021: International Nurses Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
International Nurses Day
International Nurses Day occurs on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale who is the founder of modern nursing. International Nurses Day celebrates the service of nurses in human health care. Nurses are the core strength of any health care facility.
And this day recognizes the contribution of Nurses, without their constant support to the patients, it would have been impossible to deal with the current COVID-19 situation.
ICN (International Council of Nurses) theme of this year is “Nurses: A Voice to Lead”.
15th May, 2021: International Day of the Family | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
International Day of the Family
Initiated by the UN in 1989, International Day of the Family is celebrated as a day to honor the family members. The role of each family member in a family creates the foundation of a society. This day aims to create awareness about the issues relating to families and to increase the knowledge of the social, economic and demographic processes affecting them. This will emphasize better living standards among the families. This day features in our Important days in May 2021/Holidays in May 2021.
17th May, 2021: World Telecommunication Day | World Hypertension Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
World Telecommunication Day

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day celebrates the role of information and technology in our daily life. This is the day the international telecommunication union came into existence and the first International Telegraph Convention was signed in 1865.
The work done by the information and technology department during the pandemic made circulation of information possible worldwide. It was due to it that society continued to work effectively. It also helped in keeping the world on the same page. This day comes in our list of important days in may 2021/ holidays in may 2021.
World Hypertension Day
World Hypertension Day is celebrated on 17th may every year. The prime focus of the day is to spread awareness about one of the leading causes of mortality i.e. hypertension. Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure is a major cause of various health problems including heart problems. This day is organized by the World hypertension league which is an umbrella organization comprising 85 more hypertension societies and leagues.
The theme for this year is – “Know Your Numbers”.
18th may, 2021: World AIDS Vaccine Day | International Museum Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
World AIDS Vaccine Day

World AIDS Vaccine Day is celebrated to recognize and appreciate the scientists who have been continuously working to develop the vaccine for AIDS. AIDS is one of the deadliest diseases which has affected mankind to a great extent, this disease generally transmits through contact with an infected person’s blood.
This day also acts as a reminder for the urgent need of vaccines to control HIV virus. This day features in our Important days in May 2021/Holidays in May 2021.
International Museum Day
This day comes in our list of important days in may 2021/ holidays in may 2021. International museum day which is observed on 18th may every year is organized by The International Council of Museums (ICOM) to make aware about the role of museums in developing societies.
This year the theme for the day is “The Future of Museums: Recover and Reimagine”.
21st May, 2021: International Tea Day | National Anti Terrorism Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
International Tea Day

International Tea Day is a day meant to emphasize the tea trading across the world. It is an initiative by the United Nations to improve the quality of life of the workers working in the production of tea. As many poorest countries have tea trading as the main source of income. Tea plantation remains the only source for them to sustain a livelihood.
The main idea of the day is to put a collective effort in the direction of sustainable production of the tea and productive actions to fight poverty and other related issues. This day comes in our list of important days in may 2021/ holidays in may 2021
the theme for this day is “Tea and Fair Trade” .
National Anti Terrorism Day

National Anti terrorism day is observed on 21st May to remember Rajiv Gandhi on his death anniversary, he was assassinated during his visit in Tamil Nadu. Rajiv Gandhi was the youngest former prime Minister Of India, and belonged to congress party.
The aim of the National Anti terrorism day is to promote humanity, piece and unity among the people especially youth. This day also remembers those who lost their lives while protecting the nation from terrorist attacks. This day features in our Important days in May 2021/Holidays in May 2021.
22nd may, 2021: International Day for Biological Diversity | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
International Day for Biological Diversity
International day for biological diversity proclaimed by the United Nations On 22nd may 1992 is meant to spread awareness among the people regarding the issues that exist in biodiversity. Acknowledging the issues can lead up to solutions. This day comes in our list of important days in may 2021/ holidays in may 2021
The slogan for this year is “Our solutions are in nature”.
23rd May, 2021: World Turtle Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
World Turtle Day

On 23rd may, every year World turtle day is celebrated in order to protect turtles and tortoises and their vanishing habitats. American tortoise rescues, which is a non profit organization, started celebrating this day in the year of 2000 with the aim of protecting the Turtles and their habitats. This day appears features in our Important days in May 2021/Holidays in May 2021.
25th May, 2021: World Thyroid Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
World Thyroid Day

World thyroid day is celebrated to spread awareness about thyroid disease. It first commenced during the congress of European Thyroid Association (ETA) in 2008.
This day highlights the way to spread awareness among the people about diseases related to thyroid gland. Thyroid gland which is present in the neck is one of the largest endocrine glands present in the human body. This gland plays a huge role in critical body development. This day comes in our list of important days in may 2021/ holidays in may 2021.
28th May, 2021: World Hunger Day | World Menstrual Hygiene Day | International Women’s Health Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
World Hunger Day
World Hunger Day comes on 28th may every year, this day is an initiative by the hunger project organization which works in the direction of making the world a place where no one suffers for basic necessity that is food. This day appears features in our Important days in May 2021/Holidays in May 2021.
World Menstrual Hygiene Day
World Menstrual Health Hygiene Day is an annually celebrated awareness day that occurs on 28th may. This day is observed globally. This day is dedicated to improve the condition of women who struggle to afford the adequate sanitation facilities and also face stereotypes in the society related to the menstrual cycle. This day comes in our list of important days in may 2021/ holidays in may 2021.
International Women’s Health Day
This day is dedicated to promote women’s health in the society and preventing maternal deaths or diseases. This day was proposed by the International Women’s Health Meeting in Costa Rica, Latin American and Caribbean Women’s Health Network (LACWHN) On May 28th, 1987, which is working closely with Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) to promote the campaign Globally.
29th May, 2021: World Digestive Health Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
World Digestive Health Day

World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO) is an international organization which is working for world wide public health. To make people aware about the diseases related to digestive health, WGO organizes World health digestive day every year on 29th may to spread awareness among people related to the possible digestive diseases, their prevention and treatment. This day comes in our list of important days in may 2021/ holidays in may 2021
The theme for this year is “OBESITY: AN ONGOING PANDEMIC”.
31st May, 2021- World No Tobacco Day | Important Days in May 2021 | Holidays in May 2021
World No Tobacco Day
Initiated by the World Health Organization in the year 1987, The day focuses on promoting health and well being by informing people about the possible dangers of tobacco and how we can prevent life threatening diseases that can be caused due to daily consumption of tobacco. The day aims to motivate people to quit tobacco.
The theme for this year is “COMMIT TO QUIT”.
This month will bring a lot of opportunities for you to serve humanity and improve your relationship with people around you. Every holiday has its own mission so don’t forget to participate actively. Here we bring to you the list of most important days in May 2021/ holidays in May 2021. Hope you all enjoy these days in the upcoming month. Keep on reading our other blogs!