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SEO Friendly Headlines | SEO Friendly Headline Tools
The success of a digital marketing business depends on various things. Your website ranking is influenced by a number of factors such as your writing style, SEO, SEO friendly headlines, keywords, linking and use of rich media like images and infographics and so much more.
As a writer you can only focus on creating the written part of the content. A crucial part of the written content is the headline. Headline is one of the first things that a reader looks for in your article. It is the part of your article that goes on to sell your article. The readers are lured in by the headline only.
A headline is not just about some catchy group of words. Your headline should be the most optimized portion of your content. Not only it invites the readers, it has a pivotal role to play in terms of getting a good review from the search engine crawlers (aka bots).
SEO content writng you should know :
- A Descriptive Guide To SEO Content Writing
- What is seo article writing ? | Easy SEO friendly article format
What is the importance of SEO friendly headlines ?

SEO friendly headlines are distinct from normal headlines in a number of ways. The process of creating and framing headlines that are enriched with SEO takes a lot more than just putting words that describe the content. Elements such as keywords, numbers, positive or negative words, power words, usefulness, usability and words that create a need in the reader’s mind to go through the whole content are needed to make the headline SEO friendly.
Search Engine Optimisation is the process of making your website better visible to the visitors. A headline is considered optimised or SEO friendly when it adds up to the overall value that helps increase visibility or visits on the website.
SEO Friendly Headline tools

Creating an SEO friendly headline takes more than just some creative and emotional words. Despite being creative and well versed with vocabulary, an SEO friendly headline takes effort and the right SEO friendly headline tools to be created. Still struggling with your article title? Here are some of the topic generator tools that you can use to create optimized headlines.
1. SEMrush
Though not specifically designed as a blog topic generator, SEMrush, being a full-suite marketing tool, went on to become one of the best SEO tools currently.
SEMrush’ s sub tools such as its Keyword Difficulty Tool and Competitor Analysis are especially designed for the purpose of cheating optimized headlines.
The Keyword difficulty tool helps in finding out how hard it will be able to rank a keyword or phrase. Choose the best keywords that have decent traffic and less difficulty or density.
2. SE Ranking
There are variations of keywords because the users’ intent can be the same but the exact words they use to search the query will be different. This tool is an excellent blog title generator as you can perform in- depth research of the keywords.
SE Ranking helps you find synonyms that make you create unique and good article titles using long-tail keywords.
Best keyword tools to help you writing : BEST KEYWORD RESEARCH TOOLS
3. Hubspot Blog Topic Generator
Hubspot is one of the most used blog title generators in marketing. It’s fun and unique to work on its database as you just need to feed 3 keywords that you want to work on and it will generate 5 potential SEO friendly headlines.
4. BuzzSumo
BuzzSumo analyses millions of article headlines that have the most number of social shares in a matter of seconds. It also defines what niche is most suitable and rewarding for you.
Just by entering a keyword, it will provide you with a list of most viral headlines that are compelling enough to attract the audience.
5. Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer
The Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer is a tool that chooses an emotional approach to reach the audience.
The free tool runs an analysis on blog titles to generate an Emotional Marketing value score (EMV) for you. By just copy pasting the headline, you can get the EMV score displayed in percentage. The only limitation observed in this tool is that it does not provide you with any assistance in improving the headlines.
6. Portent’s Content Idea Generator
The blog title generator is deemed the easiest of all and it does more than just its name. You can just enter the subject and it will give you unique ideas for new content.
Portent’s Content Idea Generator offers you 20 extra article title ideas along with writing tips on its extremely engaging chalkboard background.
7. CoSchedule Headline Analyzer
Your blog headline needs to be carefully analysed before getting finalised. Coschedule is a tool that inspects your headlines and rates it between 1-100. It checks elements such as the length, words and characters and previews the headline as it would be displayed on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and as email subjects.
It also keeps track of past searches made by you and compares it with newer headlines so you can witness the growth and improvement in generating the headlines.
See this for best SEO tools for content : BEST SEO TOOLS TO OPTIMIZE CONTENT IN 2021
Constituents of an SEO Friendly Headline tools

As discussed, headline writing for an SEO article requires careful positioning of various elements. The formula
Number + Adjective + Noun + Keyword + Promise, if delivered can create the best article title you can provide your content ever. Good quality headlines include the following:
1. Include keywords in your headlines
The most important element in your headline is the keyword. Keywords are used to tell the main idea of what the surrounding content is about. Those are the words that turn the traffic your way. It’s imperative for your headline to have at least one keyword.
The keyword(s) that you use in this headline should have good existing traffic and lesser difficulty or density. Higher traffic keywords increase the chances of getting more site visits from potential customers and even the crawler.
The headline keyword should be placed in the beginning to garner more attention in a matter of seconds.
2. Include numbers
Your headline will never be completely optimised without a number. A number in the headline gives the reader something quantifiable to look upto and expect out of the whole content. It gives more credibility to the topic and increases its factual density.
For example, mentioning 7 steps of the creative writing process or providing a guide to a concept that would be beneficial in a certain year, say 2022, like ‘The rise of Artificial Intelligence in 2022’. It will strike better to the readers’ minds than just simply explaining why they should read your content.
Pro tip: Odd numbers do better in this game as they catch attention better than the even ones.
3. Use words that pique interest.
The fact is that people do read your headlines. You need to offer them something that they are looking for or something they didn’t know they needed. Use of intellectual and emotional words have been proven to spark interest in the readers’ minds. The inclusion of power words or its combination such as ‘best in the list’, ‘top-notch’, ‘definitely’, etc. will cater to the readers’ needs of creative curiosity.
The article title is the instant selling point of your blog and needs to cater to the reader’s requirements. Anything unconventional yet useful and usable element that the reader sees makes them want to go ahead and read it. Hit the emotional quotient (EQ) of the readers’ with intellectual and spiritual words in your headline and make your move in compelling them to read your content.
See this for SEO Content Writing tips : 5 SEO Content Writing Tips you wish you got earlier !
4. Deliver your promise
Deliver your promises that you have made with the use of words in the headline. Do not manipulate your readers and not provide them expected results. Do not promise anything in your blog headline if you are not able to provide it in the content body.
For example, if you are specifically providing an answer to one of the most searched questions on the web in your content, only then write words that suggest that you are giving an answer. If you fail to do so and lure the audience in by just writing it in the headline, the reader will notice and will opt out upon realising. This gives away a bad impression and could be one of the main reasons why there are no visitors and potential customers on your website.
5. Understand your target audience
You will only be able to provide content if you understand what your audience wants. Your blog titles should observe the needs and the intent of your target audience. The prime focus of your website should be to provide what the audience longs for.
6. Use strong adjectives
Use words that bring emotions to the headline. Negative or positive, your headline should tell what to expect in the content inside. Positive adjectives such as best, top, amazing, fresh, latest, etc. will provide the viewpoint of the reader to expect something that is rated number 1. Similarly, words such as merits, benefits, advantages, etc can be the source of positive outlook in the content.
Using words like worst, limitations, disadvantages, least, etc will prepare the reader to read the things that are not well received. Any and all kinds of emotional words help in captivating the audience and piquing their interest.
7. Length of your Title
The length of your title matters greatly. It is important because even after having the most important keywords, power words, number(s) and intent, a headline just does not interest the reader, reason? The length of the headline is too short to understand what it has inside, or it’s too long that the reader skips because of time crunch or because it’s ambiguous.
Short and brief headlines with maximum upto 8 words are very well received as the reader is able to understand the message and is easy to decipher as well. Statistics say that titles of 8 words have received a 21% increased click through rate as compared to others.
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Wrapping Up
Headline writing is an underrated component of most marketing and content strategies. Make your content stand out by creating them with the best SEO friendly headline tools mentioned above. With optimized article titles, you will be able to provide your visitors with great written content and a reason to return to your website every time.