Table of Contents
Introduction of the tale of Black Swan:
The year is 1921. On the other hand, London is in grief. And, its very own beloved detective has been found missing from central London since midnight from his residence 221B Baker Street. Furthermore, the landlady reckons some unusual visitors, clad in dusty black coats, in black big Marlborough with Shelby limited written all over it. But, she did not pay much heed, as he did not want any interventions. – The tale of Black Swan
Mr. Holmes is then taken to Small Heath, Birmingham. But, then a tall handsome man with an undercut hairstyle and sporting a cap resembling some old vagabond societies of west London asks his men to lose free Mr. Holmes.
Person (in a thick manly voice): Mr. Sherlock is a guest of Peaky blinders. Lose him free. Moreover, would you like some whiskey, Mr. Holmes?

(Sherlock gets up from the chair and twists his hands which were almost sucked out of blood by now. He closely observes the person pouring the drink in two glasses.) – [The tale of Black Swan]
Person: So, I am Thomas Shelby, and these gentlemen are my brothers- Arthur, John and Finn.
Sherlock: Takes the whiskey glass in his hand. Sips. Irish?
Thomas: You’ve got a great taste in detectives. ’83 Irish. A rare indeed.
Sherlock: Consulting. Ehmm. Furthermore, consulting detective. Only one in the world invented the position.
Thomas: Fascinating! I like you more, ehh!
Sherlock (baffled but in a calm tone): Who else do you have? Watson?
Thomas: NO! I don’t keep prisoners. I have had the misfortune of meeting your brother once though in Mr. Churchill’s office. He bores with laws and histories and the apocalyptic skeptic world. You, on the other hand, seem much more fascinating.
Thomas takes the whiskey bottle and refills the glasses.(The tale of Black Swan)
Sherlock: So, what trouble have you got yourself in? My best bet would be that you lost some secret documents.
Thomas (looks Sherlock from head to toe): You seem to live up to your expectations. I would be very disappointed otherwise.
(Arthur and John are in awe of the presumption.)
Arthur: How come you know of this? Who told you?
Sherlock (with sparkling grey eyes): That’s elementary Shelby brother. When I entered the room, Mr. Thomas was looking into some paper, he had met my brother and discussed the law and regulations with him. He was scratching his head’s back while talking about it, which is a habit of the people who fought in the great war, when they hid something. I have watched many of them gone mad in post war trauma. Moving on! It’s not such a great leap to assume it’s got something to do with paperwork as those big guns and armed men won’t need my help in a murder or robbery.
(Arthur and John nod in agreement. Sherlock now moves his eyes towards Thomas. And continues speaking.)
Sherlock: Mr. Shelby thanks for the whiskey, but this case is boring. You can ask some other old rusty London detectives to do it for you. Adios!
(Sherlock gets up from his chair. Arthur and John point a gun at his head. He puts on his funny cap and gives side eyes to Thomas.)
Thomas (getting up from his chair and lighting a cigarette): Easy boys! Mr. Holmes takes a seat. I understand, you don’t fear us. You don’t care. You see, I research before taking on a work. There is something in it which might interest you. So, sit down. Sit.
The tale of Black Swan to be continued…
(Sherlock removes his cap and takes it in his hand. Puts a smile on his face. Asks for the cigarette. Puffs. Exhales. Cusses the temptations.)
Sherlock: You are a very wise Man, Mr. Shelby. I am all ears. Shoot!
Thomas: The papers stolen from my shelf are the papers of shipping agreement from poplar docks. This was signed by Mr. Churchill himself. But anybody in possession of those papers can ship their boats filled with anything, to and from the United Kingdom. Now, that would be a very gruesome thing to happen to the state. And, your tall boring brother Mycroft said, only you can solve that mystery and you would not agree to him.
Sherlock (almost interrupting): But .
Thomas (in furious tone): I am not finished yet, Mr. Holmes. Am I? Additionally, I was saying, if anything bad happens to the country, the blame would be on me. Because I will be hanged and along with me this company will be too. Therefore, I don’t care if I live or die, but I love my company very much. And, if any such things are going to happen with my family, I will have your companion, John Watson and his wife, the arch nemesis brother, Mycroft and the landlady of yours killed.
Thus, I am certain of your intellectual prowess though and we won’t be seeing that day. Similarly, I have a 64’ scotch which my grandfather stole from his master after killing him. Henceforth, we would drink on your success.
(Finn makes arrangements for Mr. Holmes in the guest house. Thus, Sherlock draws towards the exit gate. Later, he enters the guest house. This led to the interiors of the room pronounced heavily of the lavish lifestyle of a rich man. After that, He pulls out his violin and starts strumming. After a stay of a week, Thomas calls for Sherlock Holmes.)
Thomas: How is your stay here, Mr. Holmes?
Sherlock: It is rather comfortable here. Moreover, I am getting accustomed to the howling winds, so many services at the blink of the eye. Also, it’s not at all a bad place to be.
Thomas: Aye! I am glad that you like this place. My place. But, I guess, it is taking a long time for detective work, don’t you think? Moreover, I have been told that you don’t even ask any questions around or get any of your little birds talking. This is the beginning to doubt all the hype around your name. Hence, these urban anecdotes are just exaggerations of some fluke.
The tale of Black Swan to be continued…
(Sherlock is infuriated with the ridiculing of Thomas Shelby. And, he sports his ever-beaming smile and then asks in a toned down voice.)
Sherlock: Do you know who Cheddar is?
Thomas: Yeah! A guy who was with me in France. Then, I guess, he could never make it back here. And why are you asking?
Sherlock (chuckles softly): Ahh! I thought you are good at what you do.
Thomas: What do you mean?
Sherlock: You have had a secretary named Linda. And, she was from Boston. A refugee. She also works for Black swans. A secret organization who believe they can turn the course of history by stopping measurable minor unnoticeable events. These can be very helpful in avoiding wars at large scale like “The Great War”. They recruited soldiers from all over Europe, who believed that their country betrayed them and let them wander in the wilderness after the war was over. They have been watching over you since you took over control of racing tracks in the south. This will lead you to be a decorated war hero. Also, they didn’t kill you for this simple reason. Be thankful!
Thomas: How do you know all this? And since when?
Sherlock: I knew it from the first day. On the contrary, I was just curious why they would be interested in you. I observed your businesses and they’re bloody right. So, you might cause a full-fledged war. Though you don’t need to worry, your license is going to be auctioned in the secret club of Edgbaston on Saturday night at 0800 hours. I will join you in the event of acquiring those papers.
Thomas: Thank you so much, Mr. Holmes but why are you suddenly so nice to join us?
Sherlock (Laughs): I am not helping you, Mr. Shelby. Therefore, I am helping myself. Later, I have a premonition that Moriarty is going to be there. Sherlock jumps around.
This is the tale of the Black Swan.