Have opinions regarding one or more topics? Want to share it with a larger audience? Learn how to write an article and reach out to a wider audience. Writers publish articles with a goal to have an impact on their intended audience. 

There is a multitude of different types of articles, including news stories, features, profiles, instructional articles, and so on. Irrespective of the type, all articles possess common characteristics. 

If you read this blog till the end I assure you that you will understand how to write an article. Also, it will guide you through the article writing format with article writing topics and examples of article writing. So without any delay, let’s get started.

Suggested read :

First things first, before we dive into what is article writing and how to write an article, let us know what is an article. 

What is an article ?

A piece of material that is authored and presented to readers is referred to as an article. Articles can be written for newspapers, magazines, and of course the Internet. People, places, growing issues, and technology breakthroughs are among the subjects covered in an article. 

Articles raise topics or subjects of relevance to the forefront. It is a source of knowledge about the subject. It makes recommendations and gives counsel. Articles sway readers and persuade them to believe the writer’s perspective.

Writing articles can give you the opportunity to share compelling and relevant data with readers, from planning and investigating your topic to writing and revising your works. 

What is article writing ?

Article writing is a form of writing created with the goal of reaching a massive audience via the media. As article writing is concerned, the media refers to publishing firms that print newspapers, periodicals, journals, and many other publications.

It is not easy to write an article for a newspaper or a magazine. It necessitates extensive study and writing abilities. It is designed in such a way that it can educate the general public about a particular subject. 

The writer’s major goal is to make a difference in the world by altering people’s perspectives through article writing. To have a better understanding you can refer to examples of article writing as well. Moreover, Internet has a lot of article writing topics you can choose from. Start searching!

Article writing format

Before you start writing an article, you should conduct some research and planning. If you want to come out with an engaging and attractive article, you must learn the standard article writing format. 

Article writing format
Article writing format

An article must be properly structured in order to capture the interest of the readers. An article writing format’s broad framework is as follows:


The title of the article is the first thing that attracts a reader. It ought to be memorable and relevant to the user’s query. The heading should not exceed 5 or 6 words in length. Consider how you may impress your audience or readers with this one statement and raise their desire to continue reading your post.


It’s the identification of the individual who wrote the article. Do not put your personal information if it is not required. 


Body is the main matter of the article. It includes 3 or 4 paragraphs consisting of all main points and the content of the topic. 


The following is the final section of the article. In this section of your article, you recap everything you’ve written. Never leave a reader hanging with a cliffhanger. A viewpoint, suggestion, foresight, or plea should be included in the conclusion section of the article.  

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How to write an article ?

How to write an article
How to write an article

Here are a few tips to help you understand how to write an article effectively. If you follow these methods and add your own flair, you’ll have a well-structured piece that will pique your readers’ interest.

Choose your target audience

Before you start writing, you need to identify the category of people you will be writing for. Based on that you can customize your writing to make it suitable for your reader’s query. 


Just after you know who your readers are, jump on to the next step of article writing. The Research part. Do thorough research on your topic. Pen down the relevant information. List down facts, statistics, graphs, and other data to represent. Also, look fr the definition of your topic and some quotes related to it(if any). 

Write a draft

Organize all your gathered research in a logical way following the article writing format. You have more opportunities to express your ideas and views regarding the topic of your article when you compose a preliminary draft. The ideas you write serve as the foundation for your article, as well as a preview of the work you’ll be doing during the final edit.

Make your views unique and specific

Don’t add irrelevant points just to make your article lengthy. Adhere to your subject and express yourself clearly in your writing. 

Read loudly, modify, and rewrite your draft

Read out your draft loudly from start to end. Cross-check with your research data whether all the points are covered or not.  Listen to the tone of your article and measure how desirable it is. Fix errors and rewrite the final piece. 

Format your grammar and punctuation

Pay close attention to the pace of the sentences. Detect and correct grammatical faults. Make sure you use suitable punctuation. Lines that are repeated throughout the article should be rewritten or removed.

After you are done with all this, give your final article a read before you forward or publish it. The above steps on how to write an article, if followed correctly, give the best results.

Tips to make your article a masterpiece

In this competitive world, whose content stands out? Writers who can produce high-quality content in a short amount of time are in high demand. 

Below are some tips and tricks you should consider while writing articles. Trust me they are all worth going for!

Have a stock of ideas

Keep article writing topics saved for later use. If you get an idea, make notes in a diary or on your laptop in a Word doc. That way, when you’re ready to start writing, you’ll have an opportunity to begin. The article writing topics you choose and the prospective reading audience affect the content and structure of your essay. There will be times when you may run out of topics. To avoid such scenarios, keep plenty of article writing topics handy. 

Use second person POV

Writing in second person POV is addressing your readers as ‘you’. This viewpoint demonstrates that you are aware of your target audience’s current issues and have an approach to implement them. Ask questions, provoke sentiments, make them feel that they are having a conversation with you. Chances are high that they’ll stay till the end of your article.

Avoid getting distracted

Biggest distraction these days? Smartphones. Keep your smartphones aside, mute the notifications and focus on your article writing. Multitasking will lead you nowhere. Moreover, if you want the best content, you must devote 100% of your attention to them. 

Conduct a thorough analysis

Research is important. However, spending too much time on research and gathering too much information will create confusion for you. Pick only what’s relevant for your target audience. Try to be as particular as possible in your search keywords if you’re seeking data or statistics to back up your claim.

Include photos and videos in your article

Images and videos can provide context to existing material or separate information to improve the clarity of the content. Employ graphic elements to help spread key information and aid the reader in swiftly digesting the substance of your post.

Do not over-exaggerate

If you assume that over elaborating things can make your writing attractive, you are highly mistaken! When your reader puts a keyword in the Google search bar, it’s obvious that they want the exact results. Nobody has time to sit and read each and every word written in your article. As a writer, the best solution for you is to write your article directly to the point using simple language. Keep a maximum word count target. This will assist you in writing a straightforward article that is free of frills. 

Add as many bullet points as you can 

Key points can enable you to organize your ideas and finish the article more quickly. Furthermore, as Google and other search engines value articles containing bullet points and subheadings, bullet point stories generally bring more traffic. Not only will writing in bullet points save your effort, but it will also boost the chances of your content reaching your target demographic.

Rules to follow in article writing

Rules to follow in article writing
Rules to follow in article writing
  • Set a timer and see how much you can complete within the stipulated time.
  • Do not follow a monotonous sentence structure. 
  • Take adequate breaks if you think it’s required. Most importantly, take a break before the final draft.
  • Your headline must be catchy.
  • Find the main goal of your writing is it providing information, entertainment, presenting your opinion on any specific topic.
  • Make a logical and appealing conclusion.
  • Shorten your paragraphs.

Examples of article writing

Let me take you through some examples of article writing to make you understand better. We will break down the examples of article writing into the format and learn it more precisely. Let’s dive in!

Example 1

Article on upliftment on travel restrictions in the US.

In the above example:


The U.S. opens borders: an emotional reunion for travelers

Byline (below the headline)

Note that always write to make your byline just below(center) the heading


Includes all the 6 short paragraphs


The end paragraph of the article

Example 2

Article on Xiaomi becoming the 2nd largest smartphone maker

In the above example:


Outspacing Apple, Xiaomi becomes world’s second biggest smartphone maker


By (your name)


All the 3 paragraphs


The end para which gives out a prediction of Xiaomi’s growth

Example 3

Article on Automattic buying Pocket Casts

In the above example:


Tumblr’s parent company, Automattic, buys Pocket Casts – a popular podcast company


By (your name)


All the 4 paragraphs


The end part of the article

Example 4

Article on “new normal” after the pandemic

In the above example,


Is the “new normal” actually normal?


By(your name)


4 paragraphs


The last paragraph ( a suggestion)

Example 5

Article on cryptocurrency

In the above example,


The hot topic worldwide: cryptocurrency


By (your name)


5 paragraphs


The end part

The above examples of article writing include news articles and topic-oriented articles. The headlines we have used makes you want to read the article. Isn’t it? You have to do the same with your headlines, a catchy and attractive one to grab attention. Remember to write the byline mostly just at the centric below the headline. When it comes to body, to make it easier, you can divide it into two: introduction and matter. The number of paragraphs should not exceed 7 and make sure you write short and crisp paragraphs. Include viewpoint, suggestions, data, summary, etc.. in the conclusion part.

For more detailed read you can also refer to wikihow article on article writing.

Final thoughts

Hereafter you will surely ace the craft of article writing. Maintain the basic structure and standard rules throughout your content. At the very least, get others to consider your point of view. Perhaps by doing so, you will be able to influence millions of others.

Imprint the article writing format in your mind thoroughly before you start writing. Good luck and Happy writing!