Calorie is a unit of energy. All the foods that are eaten are digested and converted into energy. Which will be used by our bodies to perform actions like heart beat, digestion, walking, running and much more. These calories have to be monitored if you are managing or losing weight. If you do less physical movement then you use less energy or calories. The rest calories will be stored as fat which can be a major reason for weight gain. Hence people go to the gym to burn those extra calories.
If you are trying to gain or lose weight the calories need to be monitored. It ultimately means that the food you intake needs to be monitored. If you think it is difficult, the tech world has blessed us with apps that can count the calories. These calorie tracking apps are used by many fitness freaks as it makes it easier to maintain the weight. These apps not only track how much calories you are taking in but also track how much calories you are burning.
With the advantages provided, there are certain things that you need to know before diving into these calories tracking apps. Calories tracking is necessary if you are into fitness but concentrating too much on it can sometimes lead to major stress and mental pressure. So always it is advisable to take calories tracking a little light to maintain the overall wellness. In this article we will list you with the best calorie tracking apps that are available in 2022.
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Table of Contents
List of Best Calorie Tracking Apps

My Fitness Pal
It is an overall fitness app, but it is also one of the best calorie tracking apps. Right now it is one of the most trending calorie tracking apps. In this you have to enter the weight and the goal that you are working towards. It will track the weight and provide you with the preferred daily calorie intake. It has a huge library of recipes with calories. It also has a workout log. So overall it will track the calorie intake and calories that are burned.
Lose It
It is yet another best of the calories tracking apps available. In this you have to enter the weight, height, fitness goal and age. Then it will provide you with the preferable calorie intake. You need to enter the food that you have consumed and it will track the calories taken on that day. If any packaged foods are consumed, it can be scanned with a barcode scanner in the app. It will give the calorific value of the particular food that is taken. It is a simple calorie counter and is one of the best calorie tracking apps that is available.
It is a diet app that also acts as a calorie tracking apps. This app will give the exact serving sizes that you need to consume. If you are pregnant or lactating, this app will give a personalized diet. In this app you can enter the diet name that you are following and it will guide you based on that as well. It will give you insights about the calories taken in the form of bar charts. Both micro and macro nutrients can be tracked effectively with the help of this app. It is the best food tracker app.
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Carb Manager
This is one of the best calorie tracking apps for those who want to lose weight. In this app you can majorly track the amount of carbohydrates that you are taking. If you are following keto diet or a weight loss diet this is the best of calorie tracking apps that are available. It is a simple app that actually provides the calorie intake in the form of a bar chart. It also tracks the vitamin and mineral intake. A great app for people who are on a calorie deficit diet.
My Plate
This is an unbelievably great calorie tracking apps. This can count the calories and track the nutrition intake. When it comes to nutritional tracking all the apps will give you log on basics like proteins and carbs. But this app raised the bar of nutrition tracking by giving you insights on saturated fats, cholesterol, and much more. It is the one best calorie tracker app that can crisply track and count the calories and nutrients.

It is a different app when compared with all the mentioned calorie tracking apps. This app was earlier known as iTrackbites. As the former name says this app will track the bites. If you are someone who is not into calories tracking for some reason, try this app. This app will recommend the number of bites that need to be taken. Thereby it tracks the calories and nutrients. It also has an activity log. It also has weight loss plans in the premium version. If you are looking forward to losing weight but if counting calories stresses you then this is tailor made for you.
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It is one of the best calorie tracking apps. It also helps to keep our food habits healthy. It tracks the calories and also the foods you intake whether it is healthy or not. It can track the calories and log them. It also tracks the nutrients in the food that you are taking. It has a scanning feature by which you can scan the packaged food’s calories and nutrients. It gives a daily rating to how well you ate and it can be a motivational factor for many. It is definitely the best calorie tracking apps.
Fat Secret
This is a simple calories tracking apps. This app will track and log all the foods that are intaken by you. It will also track the calories. It also has a large library of healthy food recipes with nutritional and calorie information. It also has a physical activity log but this app’s major concentration is on the food. In addition to it, this is the only app in the list that can offer you maximum benefits for free. Hence it is the best free calorie tracker app.
This is the best calorie tracker app. It is backed by the most forwarded science. It actually applies the science to guide the app users for betterment of their fitness journey. For anyone who is looking forward to losing weight this could be a great option. This actually focuses on main elements like food, activity, mind and sleep. All four need to be at a good place to be healthy and especially to lose weight. It also educates the people about the foods. Hence it is one of the best calorie tracking apps.
It is a little different app when compared with the other apps that are mentioned. It is an app that is specially designed to help people control emotional eating. Emotional eating is a condition in which people tend to consume a lot of food when they are emotionally or mentally hurt. It is known to be one of the major reasons for being overweight. This app will help you to curb it. It has an interesting traffic light kind of tracking system. It is a great app to go for if you are an emotional eater.

It is yet another app that predominantly focuses on educating you about the best eating habits. It is an app that can track calories and sleep. It will measure the metabolism and it will give insights on what macronutrient is sourced for energy. Whether it is carbohydrates or fat. It is a very easy to use app. The con with this app is it is expensive when compared with other calorie tracking apps. But it is definitely worth spending, if you want to manage weight effectively.
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Calorie is a unit of energy. All the foods that are eaten are digested and converted into energy. Which will be used by our bodies to perform actions like heart beat, digestion, walking, running and much more. These calories have to be monitored if you are managing or losing weight. If you think it is difficult, the tech world has blessed us with apps that can count the calories.
These calorie tracking apps are used by many fitness freaks as it makes it easier to maintain the weight. All the calorie tracking apps mentioned in this article will help you a lot to track the calories effectively. In addition to tracking calories it will also help you to track the food habits. All these calorie tracking apps are science backed so it will also educate users about their fitness journey. Even though the calorie tracking apps have a lot of benefits. It is always advised to take it lightly on calorie counting.
- What is a calorie tracking app?
Calorie tracking app will track the weight and daily calorie intake.
- Can calorie tracking apps really help?
Yes, these apps can help you to track the calories effectively.
- Can calorie tracking apps help with weight loss?
Yes, these calorie tracking apps help with weight loss.
- Which is the best app to track calories?
WW is the best app to track calories.
- Does any calorie tracking app help with emotional eating?
An app called Noom can help with emotional eating.