Facebook is by far one of the biggest social media/networking sites. Whether you are a large enterprise or a small local business, Facebook marketing will benefit you. It is an effective marketing and advertising strategy for keeping customers updated. Through the use of Facebook marketing for small businesses, you can develop brand identification and expand your reach. 

In this blog, we have discussed some of the most Popular Types of Facebook Ads. We will learn how to run a Facebook Campaign successfully as part of a Facebook Advertising Strategy. Are you excited? Let’s dive in.


Facebook marketing is the process of creating a Facebook page and actively utilizing it as a communication network. You can use it to stay in touch with your customers as well as gain leads. Facebook encourages this by allowing users to create personal profiles or business pages for businesses, organisations, etc. Facebook Marketing is also adopted by any group aiming to build a fan base or a loyal customer base for a product, service, or brand.

Facebook Marketing is used to arrange for highly targeted paid ads and gather organic traffic from posts. The ultimate goal of a Facebook Marketing Strategy is to gain leads and increase conversion rates.  


Facebook Marketing
Facebook Marketing (source – fiverr)

As per the latest data released by Facebook in the second quarter of 2021, there are approximately 2.89 billion monthly active users. That makes Facebook the largest social network in the world. 

Now ask yourself, would you rather advertise your company on the platform where the majority of your target audience resides? Or would you rather spend your money on advertising in a less prominent platform and lesser reach? The answer is obvious. 

Facebook remains the undisputed king of social media platforms. Apart from being the most popular platform for friends to connect online, it is also a great marketing medium. Facebook Marketing has so much value, even more so when used in association with other social media platforms.

Consider the socio-cultural impact that Facebook may provide in terms of peer influence, e-commerce solutions, recommendations, etc. Facebook campaigns are a great way to build relationships with customers, reputation, brand recognition, etc. Your Facebook Business Page will provide you with insights, analytical tools, and a lot of other information on your target clients.

Having said that, is your company utilizing Facebook Marketing Strategy to its greatest potential? If yes, then extremely good. If not, don’t worry. We have got you covered. Continue reading to learn more about different sorts of Facebook Ads and Facebook Marketing for Small Businesses. 


Facebook Ads | Facebook Advertisement
Facebook Ads (Source- socialspicemedia)

Facebook ads are a one-of-a-kind advertising strategy in today’s digital age. You can increase the engagement on specific posts with Facebook ads that you see are performing well already. You can also boost your posts’ initial reach with Facebook post engagement advertisements. 

Some of the best Types of Facebook Ads for your Facebook Marketing Strategy are as follows.

  • Video Ads
  • Image Ads
  • Carousel Ads
  • Poll Ads
  • Dynamic Ads
  • Slideshow Ads
  • Lead Generation Ads


Video ads in Facebook Advertising Strategy allow you to use video to teach your customers about your product or service’s benefits. Come up with new ways to promote your product, service, or brand using video ads. Videos have over 100 million daily viewership on Facebook.  

There are certain prerequisites for putting up video ads on Facebook. Videos with aspect ratios of 9:16 or 16:9 should have the greatest resolution possible. Create video ads from the Ads Manager on Facebook. You may post a 360-degree ad to Facebook’s video advertisements, which offers an immersive and enjoyable experience to the viewers. Here, the consumers can drag their fingers or turn their device to see an ad.


Videos help to quickly capture the audience’s attention. To fascinate and interest your audience, make videos that are 15 seconds or shorter. Send only one message for each Facebook Video Ad, because too many call-to-actions in one video will confuse the viewer.

Make a clear, basic message that encourages individuals to take action, such as purchasing a product or visiting your website. Hence, use videos to demonstrate unique features or to explain your company’s story or message. They are a great Facebook Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses.


Image ads are the most simplistic and widely observed types of Facebook Ads. Potential customers can practically imagine the goods or services by looking at photos in your ads. A slogan or headline can indeed attract the buyer’s attention. But with image ads, the impact will be more. It is just as they say – “A picture is worth a thousand words”.


You can create photo ads by simply promoting an existing post with a photo from your Facebook Business Page. Hence, it is only a matter of clicks. Having said that, ‘simple pictures’ don’t have to mean ‘boring pictures’ when it comes to Facebook marketing via images. Invest in digital artwork, graphics and illustrations. Make use of strong visuals. Use images that are realistic, convey a story and are capable of leaving a permanent impression in the minds of your customers.


Carousel ads are said to be the best and most effective Types of Facebook Ads. The great thing about them is that they can include up to ten images or videos. Each of these has its own link, all in a single advertisement. Carousel ads are also known as ‘multi-product ads’ on Facebook. Multi-product ads were created with three goals in mind. These three goals are – to increase website traffic, enhance click-through rates, and promote better campaign effectiveness.


Carousel ads come in a wide variety of formats, and they may be found across Facebook’s website, Instagram, Messenger, and Facebook Groups. This large ad space encourages experimentation. The carousel format may accommodate a wide range of business types and requirements. Advertisers utilise it to promote their properties, activities, occasions, and more.

Product demos, industry highlights, displaying product details, and telling stories are all common uses for carousel ads. Carousels, which are popular on Instagram, may also be found on Facebook and can appeal to people who enjoy an immersive experience. Carousel ads can prove to be an effective addition to your Facebook Marketing Strategy.


Poll ads are a mobile-only Facebook ad format. They help to add an interactive element to an image or video ad by including a two-option poll. For each poll option, you can include a different link as per your choice. According to a beta run, poll ads were found to perform even better than video ads on Facebook.


Poll ads increase brand awareness to a huge extent. Businesses can use Facebook Poll Advertisements to understand which content, services, and products are most appealing to their target demographic. Companies can use Facebook’s customized data from these polls. The kind of data includes the age, location, and gender of people who interact with the business’s content. This helps the companies to modify their products and services.


Dynamic product ads are very helpful when it comes to Facebook Marketing for Small Businesses. You can offer targeted items to the clients who are most likely to be interested in them using dynamic adverts. This is a very influential Digital Marketing Tactic because it reminds the potential buyer to finish a purchase. 

• Read our blog on10 Helpful Tips for Digital Marketing in 2021“.


Let’s imagine someone went to your website’s official site or added a product to their shopping cart, but subsequently discontinued the transaction. You can advertise that precise product in their Facebook feed using dynamic advertisements.

Dynamic product advertisements on Facebook are identical to most other dynamic ads. They promote things automatically to consumers who have indicated curiosity on your website, in your application, somewhere else on the web. The great thing about dynamic ads is that you only have to upload your product inventory once. After that, create your Facebook campaign. Dynamic ads will continue to find suitable customers for the appropriate goods for as long as you want it to.


Slideshow advertisements are a simple, engaging way to make short video commercials from still photographs, text, or existing video clips. To make your ad stand out, Facebook provides the option of using stock photos. You can also access free, professional video editing tools.


Ads in slideshows have the same attention-grabbing motion as videos, but they consume almost 5X less data. As a result, they load quickly even on slow internet connections. Also, for some customers who are reluctant to view a video ad for an extended period of time, slideshow ads are ideal. Go to Ads Manager, where you can create your advertisement and add text and music according to your choice or requirements. 


Lead generation might seem like a lengthy process when the customer has to visit your website to fill up a lead form. Rather than just redirecting customers to a landing page on your website, Facebook has a unique solution for you. Lead advertisements allow customers to access your offers without so much as leaving the Facebook app.


Lead ads are ideal for gathering email subscriptions, registering people up for a product demo, etc. They also help in permitting users to request additional details from you. Lead form ads do exactly what they are supposed to do. When people click on your ad, a form (that you have already generated) appears. You can either personalize the categories of details in the lead form or use a Facebook-created template.

When you are starting Facebook Marketing for Small Business or running a Facebook Campaign, Facebook ads will help you immensely. These types of Facebook ads essentially increase the amount of activity on your posts. They assist you in quickly gaining more genuine followers by promoting the types of posts they will see if they choose to follow you.


Facebook Campaign
Facebook Campaign

Before you start launching your first Facebook Ad Campaign, there are four things you should do. First is, understanding what is Facebook marketing and learning about the Facebook Advertising Strategy. We have already covered this in the previous section of this blog. The rest of the three techniques are highlighted below. These will ensure that your Facebook campaign runs smoothly and gives you the best results. 

  • Study your competitors. 
  • Use standard events to set up the Facebook Pixel.
  • Create your custom audiences.

The Facebook pixel is an analytical tool that lets you track how people interact with your website to determine how efficient your advertising is. The pixel can be used to ensure that the different Types of Facebook Ads you post are seen by the right individuals. 

There are six marketing objectives that you should be optimizing for viewer activity such as link clicks or comments. They are:

  • Page Visitors
  • Interaction or engagement on posts
  • Views on video
  • Lead Generation
  • Discussions in the comment section
  • App Installs

Did you know? Advertising campaigns that would cost a lot of money on other platforms can be done for a fraction of the price on Facebook. This makes Facebook Campaigns excellent for small to medium-sized or even large firms on a tight advertising budget. 


Businesses may make use of Facebook’s tremendous reach to promote their products or services from all fronts. On this platform, ads are available in both text and graphic formats. Carousel Ads are the best Types of Facebook Ads, according to market research. 

You can promote your post by turning it into an advertisement. You can try creating stories to reveal your business’s behind-the-scenes activities. Or you can create a presentation of your latest collection of products and/or services. Carousel advertising will help you to show up to 10 products with links to the relevant pages. 

Facebook will display your advertising to those in your target demographic who are most likely to take the action you’ve picked. Customers and businesses may communicate easily and efficiently on Facebook. It is also simple to interact with customers, which helps to build brand loyalty.

You can provide effective customer assistance by writing a message for the consumer on his or her Facebook profile. This is something that appears immediately on the customer’s notifications and encourages him/her to view your message promptly.

Check for our Facebook Post Writing Services to get desired results on your posts.


For business purposes, a Facebook page is an excellent online marketing tool. Facebook Marketing is growing more and more popular these days. Facebook business pages allow companies to establish themselves. Businesses not only display products and services but also share content worthy of attracting the target customers.

This is how they climb the ladder of Facebook Marketing. You can share links, photographs, and post on a customized page to the audience. This gives a greater sense of a company’s individuality and spirit.

There are almost 70 billion businesses and 1.9 billion daily active users on Facebook. Hence, you must put your best Facebook Marketing Strategy to work in order to stand out from the rest.