Research paper writing takes hours of hard work and time. But when done properly, it’s not as tiring as you have thought of. Fortunately, there is a secret to writing a paper. Once you will know how to write a research paper? You will get to know that it’s not so hard and tough. This blog will guide you to write a paper in easy steps. This will include the topic of citation, APA Style, how to conclude, and Howard Writing Style. Before diving deep into this topic, let’s first understand what exactly is a research paper?
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What is a Research Paper?
A research paper is a detailed description of your knowledge on a specific research paper topic. It’s similar to essay writing. When you write an essay, you give all relevant information about the given topic. In the same way, a paper consists of all the relevant and useful information on a specific topic. You do a survey, observe, put all facts and figures and that’s what is a research paper. You first need to provide the author’s opinion, summarize it and then provide your own personal opinion.
Research Paper Format:
Have you ever heard of academic writing? Yeah, that’s what a research paper is all about. It’s a form of academic writing which revolves around a single topic. It gives a detailed analysis of that topic along with proper citations and proper data.
It is the best way for sharing information among people and forms the basis of modern science. In fact, most people are familiar with papers from schools and colleges which are used to test the ability and intelligence of the child in that particular topic. It is used to test their research skills and mental ability.
Research papers are usually written in bland and straightforward language. You should always be specific with research paper format. The students declare their field of study, the research, and the evidence of that research. It only includes facts and shreds of evidence of your research. The language used is mostly plain and simple.
Always keep one point in while writing a paper that there’s a huge difference between a research paper and a research proposal. The research proposal is the way to get funds for writing data in the research papers.
Length of the Research Paper:
It depends on the research paper topic. The subject or the main theme will decide the length of your paper. You will find most of the papers with 4000-6000 words. However, short papers of length 1000-2000 are also available.
If you have been provided with the assignment of writing a research paper from the school. Then the length of the paper depends on the school assignment. If not specified in the assignment, your topic will decide the length of your paper. More explanations are required in complex topics. Hence, the length of those papers also increases.
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Types of Research Paper
You will find multiple types of research papers. Depending on the type of paper, you need to do the assignment. There are different demands of different types of the paper. Here, I am providing you with a list of various papers.

Analytical Research Paper
It is composed of questions, and then different viewpoints of people are cited for the answers. You have to look out for the research of other people and then conclude the topic with your own words. Always keep one mind that you should stay neutral and don’t get biased on any particular topic.
Argumentative Research Paper
It is made up of a controversial issue and includes both sides of that issue. The main motto behind this type of research paper is to influence the reader according to your point of view. In this, you need to provide proper data and real facts rather than providing your emotional thoughts on the topic.
Definition Paper
Your views and opinion don’t matter in these types of research papers. You have to deliver proper facts, unanalyzed data, and arguments on the given topic.
Compare and Contrast Paper
It includes two phases. You have to work upon the two views, people, or subjects. While writing this type of research paper, both sides of the story should be kept in mind. In the end, you need to explain the thesis of both sides and declare one side as the best one.
Cause and Effect Paper
This is the first research paper that every high school and college student comes across in their life. You have to answer the questions which include Why? and What? The main aim of these types of papers is to get to know the cause of a situation and its effects.
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Interpretative Paper
If you have done a case study, you have to use your knowledge and write the happenings of that case study in this type of paper. With valid data and information, you need to support the arguments.
Experimental Research Paper
When you define an experiment in detail, that type of paper is known as an experimental research paper. You must have come across this type of paper before in subjects like Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. A particular phenomenon or an outcome should be derived from these types of experiments.
Survey Research Paper
When you conduct a survey and derive conclusions from it, you work on a survey-based research paper. The most vital aspect of this type of paper is an analysis of facts, events, and data.
Ways to Write Research Paper in 9 Easy Steps:
Here, I am providing you with the steps of writing your paper in just 9 easy ways. If you are a student, then you should follow the steps to write your paper and pass with flying colors. It might be possible that every step is not applicable to every type of assignment. Consider the tips as a form of guidelines that will guide you in the process of research paper writing.
Steps to Write a Research Paper:

Grasping the Assignment
You may be surprised to know that many students start writing their research papers, even before reading the guidelines of the assignment. The first and foremost step in paper writing is to understand the assignment very well and then proceed. Highlight the important requirements like the length, formatting styles, and the citations required. Look out for the important requirements like the cover page or an extract. You don’t need to use complicated and sugar-coated words while writing the papers.
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Choosing a topic
Selection of the right topic is very crucial in this process. Selection of the right research paper topic will give you a headstart for writing. In some of the assignments, you have the freedom to select topics of your choice. It helps you to move ahead with the paper, so choose the topic wisely and carefully. You should also look out for those topics which would provide you with enough content for your writing. You could also choose a topic that contains a lot of data, facts, and figures. You should always select a topic that interests you and also meets the requirements of your assignments.
Conducting Preliminary Research
Conducting Preliminary Research: The term research paper suggests that you need to do the research. Start research on the topic you have selected as soon as possible. If you start researching from the very beginning, it will help you to clear your misconceptions, and you will be able to figure out the best possible approach. You should only rely on authorized online resources like Science journals and papers. You can also try the library resources. You need to write some facts which require the view of literature. This is done with the help of citations in APA style. While doing the research, don’t forget about two types of sources.
Primary Sources
This is the first source to which you will refer while writing the research paper. Autobiographies of famous personalities and articles are in this category.
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Secondary Sources
The critical reviews and biographies contribute to these sources.
Writing Thesis Statement
Your preliminary research contributes to your thesis statements. You have to write your whole research paper under this topic. This is the synonym of research paper introduction. You should consider the research paper thesis as the preface of your paper. A thesis gives an idea about the whole paper. It’s the first and foremost thing that everybody looks for in a paper. While preparing the thesis, you should touch on all the aspects of your topic but not disclose too much about your paper. Keep it short and just give a glimpse of your paper.
Gather Supporting Evidence
Now, the actual research for your paper starts here. Observe all the sources which you have collected so far, and take out the particular information which you would like to add to your research paper. Don’t fill your paper with unnecessary discussions. Keep it fresh and full of facts and data. One secret which I would like to add is to never forget to give page numbers, as it will help you in the citations.
Research Paper Outline
This is the topic of discussion of many individuals. The outline is important as it includes the systematic and methodical way. Ensure to prepare a list of all the important categories for your research paper. Follow a pattern and move with it. Keep a look for which topic should be after which one? Mention the facts and actual happenings. Break your written work into points and small paragraphs. This will help you paper look presentable and well organized.
First Draft
Preparing the draft of your research papers is the longest work. However, if you have prepared a proper Research paper outline, then everything would work out smoothly. The beginning of paper might be tiring but once you get into the flow of writing you will feel comfortable. The major information of your topic of research will be covered by the main body. Don’t worry, if you commit any mistake while preparing the first draft. It will be rectified in the upcoming process.
You should conclude your research paper with a proper conclusion which must be deprived of any type of new information. The conclusion should connect all your subtopics of the paper. Your first draft may contain lots of errors. But nothing to worry about, you will edit it ahead.
Cite the Sources
The importance of citations in a research paper is incomparable. The thing which will separate your paper from others is the citation part only. Every citation has its own set of rules and regulations. At first, it will look tough to you, but once you get hold of it. You will find it easy. Mostly, papers follow two types of formatting styles for citations.
- MLA( Modern Language Association )
- APA( American Psychological Association )
Proofreading and Editing
The last step for the completion of your research paper is to edit and correct your mistakes. Now, it is time to carefully read your paper, highlight the important lines, edit your mistakes and draw the final output. Check out for all the grammatical and spelling errors.
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Tools or Resources for Research Paper Writing:
Take a glance at different tools and resources which will help you in research paper writing.

Google Scholar
This is a boon to all the academic writers by the Google Search Engine. It’s available free of cost, and you can access different sources for your paper.
You will find free resources for your topic with the help of Zotero. Citations are auto-generated in this.
Focus Writer
You will lose your attention span while writing a research paper. If you are a person of that type who gets distracted easily, the Focus Writer is there for your rescue. It removes all the elements from the background which distract you, sets sound effects, and sets a daily goal alarm.
Google Charts
While writing the research paper, you will come across several data. In order to plot graphs and charts, Google Charts will help you. You can get avail of this as it is available free of cost.
Needless to mention, it’s one of the best ways to get hold of your writing practice. The free version of Grammarly is available online. This will help you to correct all your grammatical, tense, and spelling errors. Along with that, you could also check it for plagiarism. The paid version is obviously better than the free one, which will provide you with all the help while writing papers.
Final Thoughts:
Writing a paper will clear your concepts and also improve your writing skill. So, don’t feel it is a burden. Enjoy the process and be in the flow. Before writing a paper, you should learn all the styles of writing. Give more time to the research paper thesis as that is going to form the basis of your whole paper. Give your paper a twist of writing styles and citations with the help of this blog.