What is International Human Solidarity Day?

Unity in diversity is the key element when it comes to world relations. It is only when everyone stands in solidarity, that global peace and harmony can be achieved. The International Solidarity day is when we remember that we are strongest when humans as a whole live together with respect.

In the past few decades, globalization has reached an extent that could never have been imagined a hundred years ago. However, an important concern in this context is the constant growth of inequality in the world. With such a vast reach of communication and transport, it becomes difficult to manage and ensure justice.

The International Solidarity day is observed in order to promote the culture of kindness and sharing. This is one of the best ways to fight the horrific situation of poverty across the globe. The day is celebrated with the aim of promoting positive international relations so that we can help each other counter such problems.

When is International Human Solidarity Day Celebrated?

International Human Solidarity Day is celebrated on the 20th of December every year to promote solidarity of culture and diversity. It actively encourages people to stand together against problems such as poverty and other social evils.

The day was named by the UN General Assembly (UNGA). Their objective was to strengthen international relations which would further ensure global harmony. The United Nations body has been an important pillar in solving international problems of culture society economics and equality.

International Human Solidarity Day Quotes

Here are some quotes and messages to remember on this international human solidarity day 2020 theme.

We’ve got to face the fact that some people say you fight fire best with fire, but we say you put the fire out best with water. We say you don’t fight racism with racism. We’re going to fight racism with solidarity.

Solidarity is a universal language that everyone needs to learn. People who are compassionate and kind do a lot for their nation. And now it’s your time to show some respect for the world.

Please be helpful to your surroundings, be the right person not only from your heart but by your deeds. Take this day as an opportunity to donate to some of our capitals who are in need.

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