I moved to the hill three months ago. Therefore, I still find it hard sometimes to adjust to the lifestyle here. It’s constantly being surrounded by the same faces, in the same space, both during and after class, day after day, week after week. Some days drag, others go by really fast, but you can’t not get affected by the monotony of it all. When I’m not socializing with the people on the hill, I’m trying to stay digitally connected to the people back at home, and between the two I don’t remember the last time I’ve spent some time on my own. THE IMPORTANCE OF GIVING TIME TO YOURSELF ?
Humans are technically social beings, and being on our own is usually associated with loneliness or isolation. Whether it’s going out for a meal or a movie alone, people get uncomfortable, sometimes scared, with the idea of having to spend time with their own thoughts.
Spending quality time on yourself, especially with our busy lives and hectic schedules, has a number of benefits:-
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Helps to keep a calm and clear head | Giving Time

There are multiple times when we find ourselves mentally overwhelmed, with the amount of information we have to process. Our minds are capable of storing a lot of information but they need time to process it. So taking some time off will help you to organize your thoughts and help you to keep a clearer mind.
Helps to relieve anxiety
According to a Harvard study, people spend 46.9 percent of their waking hours thinking about something other than what they’re doing, and this mind-wandering typically makes them unhappy. When you give time to be on your own, your mind will be set straight and any negative thoughts you may have will get reduced.
You will get to know yourself better | Giving Time

You will only be able to get to understand yourself and how your mind works, if you allocate enough time for yourself. Actually paying attention to the way you process information and think helps you to understand the way your mind works, and in turn get to know yourself better.
Makes you more independent
Most of us surround ourselves with people because we have a need to be social, and are scared to be isolated, which makes our happiness dependent on other people. By spending more time alone you’ll realize that you don’t have to be dependent on other people to be happy.
Allows you to set your priorities straight and be more focused

Giving time to work on the things you’re interested in, and developing skills that will help your career, is one of the major perks of spending time on your own, especially with the amount of work and assignments we have to deal with in a masters course. It helps you to be more productive and in turn feel better about yourself.
There are different ways to spend time on your own. Whether it’s a movie/TV show marathon, listening to some music or reading a book, doing some physical activity or even going for a walk, we must not neglect spending time with ourselves in this busy world.