Music has a power to it. For every festival and occasion music is an integral part of our celebration. Likewise if we are stressed and depressed, healing music helps a lot to heal ourselves. A numerous studies have proved the same. Hearing any form of music for about 30 minutes can actually lower the stress level. It has proved that it helps stroke and dementia patients to heal faster.
The history of medicine always highlights usage of music to heal the patients. Especially if psychological conditions are concerned, music for your brain is one of the most used ways to calm them. Some physiological concerns like blood pressure, chronic pains are also relieved by the composers.
Classical music which follows the traditional principle known to be best at healing. There are songs that are specially composed as healing music. They are composed at a different sound frequency which can help you to relax and heal. Meditation music is a great example for healing music. In this article we are listing the best composers who can heal anyone with their music.
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Classical Music Composers with Healing Music

All his music is healing music. His full name is Ludvig Van Beethoven. He is popularly called Beethoven. He is a German-Based composer. This man’s music needs no introduction. One of the famous composers who is well known for his Western music. He was born in the year of 1770 and he passed away at his 56th age. It’s almost 200 years since Beethoven died but his music is still heard by a lot of people. Those pieces of music are classical pieces and have so many healing properties. He lost his hearing ability at the age of 45, so he is also known as the deaf composer.
Some of the best healing music of Beethoven are:
Moonlight Sonata
It is the most famous healing music of Beethoven. It is a piano sonata. This has a unique atmosphere. It creates a heartbroken and mesmerizing vibe. Overall a great vibe. Beethoven’s major inspiration to this music is a death scene. Just darken the room on a very tough day and hear this. It heals the heartbreaks.
Fate Knocking at the door
It is yet another famous healing music by Beethoven. It is believed that this music is done and dedicated to the soldiers who are in the war ground. This music expresses mixed emotions. It expresses a very peculiar fear and pride of victory. It has been said that this music was heard by soldiers to soothe themselves during the nights of the wars.
Johann Sebastian Bach

His healing music has been heard over centuries. Johann Sebastian Bach was a German Composer. He was born in 1650. It was the period when piano was still in the period of construction. He used an instrument called Harpsichord which was later replaced by Piano. He is a well known contemporary musician who is well known for his ability to play the Harpsichord. There is scientific proof that his healing music has helped people to heal from Anxiety and chronic pains. He also made the best music for work productivity. He composed music to dedicate to the German soldiers because during his serving time there was a major war in Germany and many soldiers suffered that time.
Some of his best healing music are as follows
Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D
It is one of the mesmerizing healing music of Bach. It is a very calming and healing music. If you are stressed to the core and if you want something to calm your mind then this is the one to go for. As the name says it was recorded with a group of musicians which is definitely one of the healing music that heals you mentally and emotionally.
Suite No. 2 in B Minor, BWV 1067
It is yet another mesmerizing healing music. It has a slow opening. As you hear you can clearly understand a sense of sorrow and hope for the future in it. The best thing about healing music is it lets you feel the present void but at the same time it gives you a hope that there is a better future. This piece of music is a better example for it.
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Wolfgang Amadueu Mozart
He is a legend in the world of healing music. He was born in 1756. He is an Austrian composer. Mozart passed away at the age of 40. But despite the short life span he achieved greater things. He is one of the most beloved and famous composers of his time. Many composers mostly excel in one genre, but Mozart actually learnt almost all the genres and excelled in all. He is truly a legend. In 2016 a study was conducted in the medical field, where Mozart music is proven to cure people with hypertension. There are music like focus clarity that is the best music for concentration.
His best healing music is,
Mozart effect volume 1
It is also famously known as the Mozart – Heal the body. It is a piece of music that is 1 hour long. It is very well known to heal the body and mind. Not only this, there are numerous creations of Mozart that can help the mind to handle emotion and focus more. It may sound like magic but this is a scientifically proven fact.
Johannes Brahms

He is one of the most celebrated music composers who got a lot of compliments for his work of healing music. He is a German composer. He is also a pianist. He is a king of the genres Symphonies and Sonata. Born in 1833, which is known as the Romantic period, he was very famous for his music. His touches of romance to classical music were well loved by people. Apart from being celebrated for the honey dripping music, people noticed the healing property of his music. It is scientifically proven that his music helped people to attain inner calm and increase their energy.
His best creation so far is,
Ein deutsches requiem – 7
Till date it is the best healing music. It has brilliant choral work to it. This is called the “conquering of the symphony”. This symphony is made from a part of The Bible. In this the emotional expression is to comfort the sadness that comes after losing the closed ones to death. The final part of this symphony called “blessed are the dead” is the most comforting part. It is a healing music that can help the people who have lost their loved ones.
Hubert Moore
Hubert Moore is the latest person to create healing music. She is a person who wants to prove to people that classical music is not dying. She is a master in piano performance. She launched her healing music called “Music to calm your soul” in 2010. It is a great art piece that has helped people to recover from mental illness. Which eventually made her a well known therapeutic musician.
In 2004, she started a group called Body and soul, where musicians play at the bedside of patients at the clinic. She also experimented by playing the music of Beethoven and Bach at a crime place. When everyone was speaking about the crime she played and everyone got distracted by the music forgetting the crime.
She truly believes that healing music does not diagnose or treat the patients directly. But it helps them to cut themselves from the outer world, sometimes the pain and fear of illness. When they cut themselves from those environments they connect themselves with the soul deeper which actually helps the patients to heal more faster with a healing music.
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Music has a power to it. For every festival and occasion music is an integral part of our celebration. Likewise if we are stressed and depressed music helps a lot to heal ourselves. A numerous studies have proved the same. Classical music which follows the traditional principle known to be best at healing. There are songs that are specially composed as healing music and there are so many best music for creativity. They are composed at a different sound frequency which can help you to relax and heal.
The composers mentioned in this article have excelled in making healing music. Beethoven is one of the famous and favorite composers of all time. His music has been healing music for around 200 years. Bach is yet another composer who did great music that is heard for around 400 years. Mozart’s healing music has shown great results scientifically. The Brahms music is music with a romantic touch to it. Hubert Moore is a recent musician who is using classical traditional music to heal people.
- Does music heal us?
Yes, music has scientifically proven to heal the mind and body related illness.
- What kind of music is best for healing music?
Classical music is best for healing.
- Who is the latest classic music composer?
Hubert Moore is the latest classic music composer.
- What is the most famous classical music?
Moonlight Sonata is the most famous classical music.
- Who is a very famous classical music composer?
Beethoven is a very famous classical music composer.