Does it still feel like you’re not completely getting what SEO is?
SEO Content refers to the content that helps your web pages to rank high in the search engines results page (SERPs).
Writing and structuring content for your website in a search engine optimised manner is called SEO content writing. It focuses on driving the audience and traffic to your site. Irrespective of where it comes from, the finest content writing is about editorial quality.
Wouldn’t it be better if you had some SEO content writing tips handy? Surely it would.
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Table of Contents
What can good SEO content writing do to your website?
Good SEO Content is important because search engines read your website, so the words you use on your site determine whether or not your site will rank in their results pages.
You must’ve designed your website nicely, with a great user interface, and all the technical stuff that makes your site rank on Google but the harsh truth is, without quality content, your site does not stand a chance in getting ranked on the search engines.
The main aim of SEO content writing is to be as creative as possible with providing information. This is intended for the readers as well as the search engines like Google, Bing, etc.
How to write effective Content | SEO content writing tips

Search Intent
Search Intent (also known as “User Intent”) is the intention of the user behind typing a query into a search engine. Study Search intent thoroughly as it shows the demand of the user. Based on that, you will be making the supply (your content).
Search intent can be figured out in keywords like [buy black shoes ], or [how to clean a computer screen]. But it’s not always that easy to find.
There are four types of intent:
- Navigational intent: People want to visit a specific website, but rather than entering the URL, they’re entering a term into a search engine.
- Informational intent: People are trying to find an answer to a particular question or information on a specific topic.
- Commercial intent: People want to buy something in the near future and are doing research before making a purchase.
- Transactional intent: People are looking to buy something after doing their commercial intent searches.

Keyword research is the process of searching and gathering keywords that you would like to be ranked for.
Every SEO strategy should begin with keyword research, because you have to know what your audience is searching for in order to be able to provide it and actually make it count. .
Don’t do keyword stuffing
Keyword stuffing gives off a poor and awkward impression of your writing skills. Use them only once every 125 to 150 words.
Additionally, when Google crawls an excess of keywords and keyword phrases it will often register the article as spam and negatively impact the business’s search engine rankings.
Use Keyphrases
We tend to use the word ‘keyword‘ all the time, but we don’t necessarily mean it has to be just one word. You can have keywords containing multiple words!
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Long-tail keywords
The longer (and more detailed) a search term is, the easier it will be to rank for that term as there will be less traffic.
Include a keyword phrase in your title
Let’s get this straight, a catchy headline will grab attention but what will make the reader tap open it. The content that it is offering, right?
Masterfully place a keyword/keyphrase in your headline so that the reader’s search intent is fulfilled and they actually read it.
Pro tip: Try to use odd numbers in your title to grab the attention of users.
Target geo-specific key phrases
Geo- specific keywords are the ones that are specific to a geographical area, like schools in Seattle.
As online markets are becoming increasingly crowded, it is suggested to be area specific in order to fulfill the search intent for the readers of that particular area first.
Make content that stays relevant for a long time.

Content that is evergreen i.e., perpetually relevant has more chances of engaging your audience and remains relevant long after its first publication.
This will make a better choice if the reader wants to share or promote it, improving a site’s SEO in a more viral and rooted way.
Show credibility through Linking
Google and other search engines value credibility. Your content gains credibility related content from your own or other websites backing it up.
Google search engines give extra weight to keywords and keyword phrases that include a clickable link.
Use hyperlinks to related articles and products offered by your client, or use links to industry references.
A great place to include this at the beginning or end of your article.
Making a Site Structure
Your site structure has the power to really confuse the algorithms of the search engines. You must try and make a very easy, directional and explanatory site structure. The readers and the algorithm both should be able to make their way out of it, of course with gained knowledge.
There are two main reasons why site structure is an important ranking factor and therefore imperative for building SEO content:
a. A good structure helps Google to ‘understand’ your site
The way your site is structured gives Google significant clues about where to find the most important content. Your site’s structure determines how easily Google will find and index content relevant to your site’s purpose and intent.
b. A good structure makes sure you are not competing with your own SEO content
You must be having similar topics multi[ple times. Google wouldn’t know which of these is most important.
If we didn’t clarify this with our site structure, we’d be competing with our own articles for Google’s top spot.
So, solving problems like this using a sound internal linking structure will result in higher rankings overall.
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The above mentioned are the most crucial tips you wish you had known earlier, I hope. Well, those are not the only ones. Basic good writing criteria should also be met. For example, avoid using elongated sentences and phrases. It misguides the reader and traps them in words. Avoid using phrases and complex words.
Use plenty of simpler words with easy lever grammar. You can sprinkle a few popular buzz terms to spice up your writing
For a complete guide on SEO writing you can reffer to Yoast
Wrapping up
You can incorporate these tips in the way you write SEO Content to impress your readers and the search engines. But remember, there is no specific blueprint to success and it takes alot to impress Google.
Happy writing !