Ever since the internet penetration has started increasing, the scope for content has started increasing. Each and everyone of us has a good stable internet connection at home. This has led to the trending of a job role called social media content creator. Individuals create content on the things that they are passionate about. Almost all the brands started to promote their products through content.
These brands started relying on digital creators to promote their products. They pay a good sum for creators with huge following. This is how the creators earn money. It is one of the well paid jobs right at the moment. It also seems to continue having a great scope. This has led so many to ask the question How to become a successful content creator!
Earlier creators used to rely on cameras, lighting and editing softwares that were costly. So content creation was very costly back in the days. But in today’s world there is no need to spend so much. Because we all have smartphones with us. By using a smartphone you can become a content creator. In this article we will guide you on how to become a content creator by using a smartphone.
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Table of Contents
Ideation and Conceptualisation
This will be the first step in the process on how to become a content creator. To be a successful content creator you have to make the best and creative videos. You also should know what is the current trend in the niche that you have chosen. The one way through which you can find this is through “Scrolling”. Advisors will say “Create more than you consume”. But first you should be a consumer to understand the need. Also to see how other creators are creating content. What are the ideas that are working for them, how can you implement them with a personal touch. Always take your competition as an inspiration.
Allot half an hour to one hour everyday to surf through the social media and create some ideas and conceptualize them. Nowadays social media accounts can give you insights about what works best for you, consider that as well. You can write it down on a piece of paper or just note it down on your smartphone. This is the very first step on how to become a content creator.

This will be the second step in the process on how to become a content creator. The production of content creation involves content filming. There are numerous things that need to be taken care of while doing this.
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The background has to be set as per the personal choices. Some love a plain background and some people love to add some elements in their background like plants. You can surf on pintrest and take inspiration from fellow creators. Make sure that the background does not take away the focus from you. It should look aesthetically pleasing but you must be the centre of focus.
This is where the major role of smartphones comes. Nowadays smartphones have a great built in camera. Not only iPhones, android phones these days have a great built in camera. Use it to create great videos. When you are filming with a smartphone make sure to turn off the face blurring features or auto tunes. Since it can make you look very artificial and audiences may not have a connection with you.
How you fix your phone is another big question. The way the phone is fixed will decide the angle of the video. You can do numerous DIY’s. But it is always clever to invest in a tripod. Because it can hold the phone safely, you do not have to think about your phone falling down. Tripods can also help you to film in different angles and heights.
Just film the video with a front or rear camera as per your convenience. Make sure to look confident and happy. If you look very sad and unhappy, the audience may not feel attracted towards your work.
It is one of the major attractions to your videos. If the audio is not clear people will not understand anything clearly hence they will end up skipping the video. If you own two smartphones it is always better to record audio and video separately in those two smartphones and merge it in editing. But if you do not have one, there is a simple way. There are affordable collar microphones that you can get on Amazon. You can connect it to the smartphone while filming videos. It can give you good quality audio.
It is yet another important aspect in content creation. The flashlight in smartphones is a great lighting source that is available. But if you do not want to use it for some reason, then use sunlight which is available for free for everyone. If you can spend on a good ring light, buy something that comes with a phone holder. So that you do not have to spend separately on tripod and phone holders.
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This will be the third step in the process on how to become a content creator. The post production involves editing and retouching that need to be made before uploading the video. This is important for content creator on YouTube and content creator on Instagram.
In this step you have to cut down any errors that you made while speaking. If you want to cut the video to a shorter form editing must be done. Do not forget to add some wordings or captions in the video. This can help the audience to grasp the information easily. There are numerous smartphone apps that are available to do this. The apps like In-shot, Power director and Kinemaster will help you do this.
Thumbnail or Cover
For every content creator on YouTube and content creator on Instagram or any other content the thumbnail or cover is very important. It is the click bait for your content. It is the very first impression of your content. Also when someone is going through your profile, people will judge your content by seeing the thumbnail. These thumbnails can be created by using the in-built photo editors in the smartphone. It can also be created by using Canva, fotor as well in your smartphones.
Uploading Content
This will be the fourth step in the process on how to become a content creator. Once all the above processes are done it’s time to upload the content. Content can be uploaded from smartphones. For YouTube there is an app called YouTube studio, through which videos can be uploaded through smartphones. When you are uploading make sure to upload the content one hour before your peak time on social media. These peak hours can be found by experimenting. Upload videos in the morning one day, afternoon and evening the other days. Check which timing is working better for you. Stick to that timing. When uploading on Instagram, use trending songs. It can help your profile reach many viewers.
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Interaction with Audiences
This will be the important step in the process on how to become a content creator. A brand becomes successful when it hears its customer feedback and improves. Likewise a creator becomes successful when they hear their audiences and improve the feedback provided by them. The feedback could be on the angle, background or the way you speak. Always listen to them and improve the feedback that is provided by them. If they ask you any queries, answer them. Encourage the constructive criticism provided by your audience.
Learn and Improve Constantly
This will be yet another important step in the process on how to become a content creator. It is very fine to start the content creation career with a smartphone. But as you go, try to make some improvements. You can adapt to a better smartphone with better camera quality. You have to make some changes. There should be some new way to present the videos. Then only the audience will have a refreshing feel with your content. Apart from implementing the audience feedback you should also learn and improve something by yourself.
Monetize your Content

This is one of the highest paying jobs but it takes some time to earn. You have to work a long way to become a freelance content creator who earns a good sum. If you are a content creator on YouTube there is an adsense option available. Apart from ad sense you can also do sponsored content. If you are a content creator on instagram, the source of income will be sponsored content. Firstly start working in barter collaboration then slowly start to charge for content as your followers grow.
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Ever since the internet penetration has started increasing, the scope for content has started increasing. Each and everyone of us has a good stable internet connection at home. This has led to the trending of a job called content creation. Earlier creators used to rely on cameras, lighting and editing softwares that were costly. So content creation was very costly back in the days. But in today’s world there is no need to spend so much. Because we all have smartphones with us. By using a smartphone you can become a content creator.
In this article we have clearly stated how to become a creator with just using a smartphone. From ideation to uploading there are numerous tips given. These tips can be useful for the creator who wants to establish a successful career as a content creator by using a smartphone.
- Is being a content creator a good job?
Yes, it is one of the trending and highest paying jobs right at the moment.
- How do content creators earn?
They earn through affiliate links and sponsored content.
- Can we get a stable income by being a content creator?
No, there will not be any stable income. It is more like entrepreneurship so the income may differ from month to month.
- Do we have to spend a lot to become a creator?
It purely depends on the type of content that you are making.
- Can we be a successful creator by using a mobile phone?
Yes, you can be a successful creator by using a mobile phone.