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Some Psychological facts
In this vast and massive society, one thing we all have in common. That is we all are humans and we have regrets. Apart from being biologically similar, we’re emotionally similar too, meaning that we are unintentionally distinct. Every person is unique in himself/herself, and all have their own traits, pros & cons, values, vision(s) and their own story. It’s convenient to say that we are unique from others. It would be daring to accept existing in a system. Here everyone around us is separate from us but also equal. We look now to be better than before. We should also acknowledge the fact that everyone around us is on the same journey as us.
By looking at other people, we see that they are living their life like us, and trying to achieve the life that they aspire. One more thing is, although we are all moving towards something, we are also at different stages. Some are learning, some are thinking, some are planning, some are trying to do something and some are actually doing something. It all reaches a level where we see people who are trying to help others, their offspring(s). Though there is no bigger joy than providing for the young ones and teaching them, there lies a big regret, one which is too painful to have.
Regrets and realization:

We all would at some point, be at the providing stage. We would either be satisfied with what we’ve done beforehand, or we would have regret about what could’ve happened when there was time. Apart from our daily duties, we want to do stuff for ourselves too. It’s too late by the time realization hits us about wasting our life by not doing stuff that we wanted, but by doing things that made no sense. Providing for his kids, a man realizes that his education isn’t enough to provide for his children and that he should’ve done more. A mother, after her kids fail to nurture her in old age, realizes that she should’ve raised them better. After finishing college, a student can realize that what he is, isn’t satisfactory to land a good job.
Throughout humanity, regrets are common. We can have regrets every time we do something. But as time would pass, our opportunities to become who we wish would also pass. We may soon be living with regrets, which would stay forever…. Regrets will be the explanation for our failures, as well as the reason why we aren’t happy with our current lives.
The only thing we can now do is recognize what we’re doing for our dreams & where our approach can lead us. Only then the future regrets will be known.