Stuck with the same number of followers you started off with? Want to know the real mantra of instagram growth? Congratulations! You’ve landed at the correct place. 

The pandemic has hit us hard for more than a year now. This had benefitted the big social media houses like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. With over 1 billion active users instagram is a go-to for every individual, business, and e-commerce platform to mark their online presence.

 However, getting success overnight is a myth. You need to be very patient while dealing with such big platforms. After all, you are not the only one in the race.

If your insta profile isn’t nearly as strong as you’d want, it’s time to discover how to improve your techniques for gaining actual, organic followers. As your audience expands, you’ll have additional opportunities to engage with users and provide them with diverse content.

You might be of the thought that why put so much effort when you get likes and followers by paying money. These shortcuts will give you temporary happiness but can land you in permanent trouble. The algorithms keep updating that eliminates paid, low quality, and less interactive accounts

How to secure instagram growth?

Use real tips and tricks to ensure slow yet good growth on your profile. Below we have curated a list of tips you can use to increase your growth. Have a look!

  1. Create authentic content

Content is the king! You need to make sure that the content you are giving your audience is engaging and real enough to retain the existing and invite new followers. Be very consistent. Set a pattern and follow that. Do not try to imitate or twist some other brand’s idea. Your audience is smart enough to identify between copied and original. Schedule your posts beforehand. You will be able to see campaigns and timetables more successfully if you schedule posting ahead of time. It’s always a good idea to plan ahead of time you can target your audience while still maintaining a steady stream of material.

Know how to make quality content :

  1. Experiment with various features

This big hub is much more than just a photo-sharing app. Over time, the app has added a variety of new ways to distribute information on the network. Making stuff up with various sorts of material is among the best strategies to obtain more followers since it allows you to reach and engage with a broader audience. When we say post material, we don’t mean only filling up your feed. The platform has various exciting features you can make use of. Insta stories, IGTV videos, live features, reels, polls are the types you can use to make your page interesting. 

  1. Work on your bio for instagram growth

As many people’s first engagement with your brand will be through your profile bio, you’ll want to make sure it sticks out. Your profile is insufficient. You should be precise and succinct about what your brand is doing in your business account and include keywords related to your brand or sector so that visitors understand exactly what you’re about. Add your website like to the bio. It helps send Instagram traffic to your website. A proper bio, a perfect username, and a convincing profile image are brief ways to tell your followers who you are actually and what they can expect out of you. 

Read for more growth ideas : 10 Instagram story ideas to boost your growth

How to secure instagram growth?
How to secure instagram growth?
  1. Make your captions readworthy

Great captions maintain people’s interest when they see nice photographs. Captions allow you to add extra information or perspective to the photo or video you’re uploading. Try not to write stories like captions for every post. Mix the length as per the post’s demand. Add keywords in your captions that will help you appear in the search results of the app. Although the average length of Instagram captions is increasing, most firms still stick to the 2,200 character restriction. If you are using long captions, try maintaining gaps between 2 sentences, or try inserting emojis to make it attractive and easy to read. 

  1. Research hashtags

Just like SEO decides the ranking of blog posts in search engines. Hashtags for Instagram decide whether you will be at the top or float at the bottom of the feed being unnoticed. Hashtags aid in the formation of a community by bringing people together who share common interests. The correct hashtag might help you reach a wide and targeted audience with your image, video, or Instagram story.

Create your own hashtags and make people use them. Initially, it won’t be a hit. But at least start. Use them in your stories, make sure they are relevant. Other than that, when using hashtags, using the high-volume ones all the time is the wrong strategy. They already have so many posts. Use a mix of trendy and industry-specific hashtags. The maximum limit is 30 per post. Make use of it wisely.

Read more about hashtags in Hootsuite

Suggested blog from us : Instagram hashtags: Strong Marketing Weapon in 2022

  1. Analyze the best time to post
Analyze the best time to post

There is no universal and exact answer to which is the best time to post. However, some standards times are 6:00am- 8:00am, 11:00am, 3:00pm-4:00pm , midnights and weekends. It also depends on the demographics of your target audience. Use Insights, understand when your followers are active the most. You should also think about when your content is most beneficial. Initially, you won’t get an ideal time. Experiment with different time slots and check the engagement scale. Observe everything closely and then fix a particular time to post. 

  1. Be their friend

Just posting content with hashtags and other professional ways is not enough. Interact with your audience. Let them know that they are a part of your family now. Make their scrolling time interesting. Give them a reason to stay with you for longer times and also recommend your page to their circles. This way you can grow more. Plan out giveaways, small contests, ask questions openly, start a trend, and what not. Be creative. Think out of the box. Make your page entertaining and informative simultaneously. 

  1. Socialize

Just because you have a page of yours, doesn’t mean that you will stop socializing. Start liking a lot of photographs relating to your profile theme. Leave comments on other people’s blogs, congratulate them, or express your own thoughts on the subject. Remember to check your own comments and DM inbox. Invite their audience to your page. Get noticed by being socially active. 

  1. Prefer quantity over quality

Some businesses might be posting two or three times a day, while some might be posting alternatively. While brand recognition is beneficial, excitable posts may be perceived as spam by your potential followers, who will begin to unfollow you. Furthermore, if you start posting multiple times per day and then slow things down, your target audience’s user engagement levels may suffer. You may also use insta advertisements to promote your high-performing posts, with a call-to-action to visit your profile and visit your website.

  1. Collaborate with other brands or influencers
Collaborate with other brands or influencers
Collaborate with other brands or influencers

Link up with other well-known, bloggers and Influencers by swapping followers. Make sure you cooperate with influencers who share the same interests or themes, as this will increase the likelihood of your viewers following you. Famous faces will increase your engagement. Don’t be afraid to request a promotion. Spend some cash on a profile upgrade to increase your social reach and make people aware of your existence.

Suggested Blog:

Final words on tactics for instagram growth

Play with the algorithms of the app. Make improvisations. Make sure you post shareable content. Don’t let your followers regret following your account. Go with the trends but also show your unique side. Instagram growth is not easy but also not impossible. Sleepless nights, good team, proper strategy, and the results will be in front of you.