
For a long time, Artificial Intelligence was a figment of people’s imagination and a subject that frequented Science-Fiction movies. But today, AI is a reality and a commonplace in our lives. AI technologies surround us in almost every aspect of our lives. From speech recognition technologies, biometric scanners, chatbots to AI in data security, industries have resolved to adopt AI in Digital marketing technologies because of the benefits that come with it.

AI refers to the ability of computers, devices, or machines to mimic human competencies such as thinking, responding to tasks, responding to language, solving problems, and making decisions like humans. These artificial intelligence capabilities have become embedded in industry and business processes. Indeed, AI marketing is being adopted far and wide.

Although different studies and research reports show variations in how much the global market value of AI will grow, the studies concur that AI growth and adoption are unstoppable. For example, according to projection models by IDC, the global market value of AI will be over half a trillion U.S. dollars by 2024. The exceptional ability of AI has driven it to take centre stage in digital marketing. Today, AI is almost an indispensable ingredient for every digital marketing strategy. In the following section, we will learn more about the impact of AI in Digital Marketing on a large scale.

How is Artificial Intelligence changing digital marketing? | AI in Digital Marketing

The utilisation of AI in Digital marketing, business tasks, and practises has become a real soul-changing experience in the 21st century. Presently, human-made brainpower can achieve those undertakings freely. AI digital marketing has also become a common thing, and brands across the globe are adopting it to increase their sales and returns on investments. However, if you own a brand, you must integrate AI in Digital marketing to succeed.

Check out our Blog on AI in Marketing : Broadening Fields: AI In Marketing 2022

How Do AI and Digital Marketing Get Along? | AI in Digital Marketing

How Do AI and Digital Marketing Get Along?
How Do AI and Digital Marketing Get Along?

One of the reasons is that they want to communicate with their prospects, reach out to new clients and maintain their customer base. For instance, AI in Digital marketing is significantly unlocking the hyper-personalization of marketing by facilitating the creation of personalised products, services, advertisements, recommendations, content, and customer support recommendations. Digital marketers are also adopting sophisticated data analytics technologies. Data and marketing analytics are essential because they help in analysing customer behaviour.

CRM applications are crucial because they help in creating better customer handling and data management techniques. Proper data analytics also help in creating personalised SEO strategies. However, a digital marketer should understand that SEO is a blend of perfect strategies working together in unison. Relying on AI marketing and data analytics alone might fail to yield the desired results. It would be better to look at SEO from a broader perspective. For instance, you must check the general outlook of your eCommerce website, make it mobile-friendly, increase the loading speeds and improve website security.

The Future of AI In Digital Marketing- Application of Artificial Intelligence in Digital marketing

The Future of AI In Digital Marketing
The Future of AI In Digital Marketing

Customer Service Chatbots

Customer service chatbots are the perfect examples of how artificial intelligence is applied in digital marketing. Chatbots are virtual assistants that provide quick and efficient feedback to all customer concerns. According to a 2020 State of Conversation Marketing Report by Drift, chatbots are the fastest.

Today, multiple artificial intelligence chatbot programs will help you to engage with your clients properly. To better your digital marketing strategies, it is strongly recommended to incorporate chatbots on your websites, Email applications, and text message applications.

Targeted Marketing

Companies would spend vast resources in paying TV, radio, and newspaper media sources to do advertisements in the past. However, this technique was tremendously ineffective because only a tiny portion of the audience who saw the adverts became customers. But AI has brought in new models of doing things. Take the likes of Amazon, for example, which has a recommendation engine technology, or Facebook and Google with their targeted advertising capabilities. These platforms have been augmented with AI in Digital marketing technologies, making them more efficient as they are fed with customer data. With this, it is easier to create personalised products, content, and products.

Real-Time Language Translation

If you go to Google and Apple Store, they’ll find many translator apps. This is the area where AI in the development of mobile apps is distinct. Incorporating Artificial Intelligence in marketing and machine learning directly inside the application, smartphones can easily translate various languages without connecting to the Internet. AI-powered development of mobile apps has made life simpler, and it is now possible to translate multiple languages with no trouble. It is one of the most common AI in Digital marketing examples.

Boosting Consumer Retention

From analysing and tracing user behaviour patterns to automating the process, machine learning is popular at the moment. Implementing machine learning into your next machine-learning-based mobile application development is essential in today’s fast-paced world. Incorporating machine learning with AI to develop mobile apps projects, businesses can offer customers amazing offers that are specifically tailored to their needs. The AI marketing algorithm analyzes the search history of the user as well as previous purchases to present the most effective deals for their needs.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization

If you are an SEO enthusiast, you will know that SEO algorithms are improving year in year out. However, the algorithms that worked a few years ago might not be as efficient today. Integrating artificial intelligence in SEO is so essential today. For instance, incorporating AI in Digital marketing and search will pick up spelling mistakes and suggest alternatives.


You have probably experienced the “did you mean..” phrase whenever you did a wrong search. Past customers’ browsing behaviours majorly influence such suggestions. Voice search is also gaining momentum amidst the prevalence of AI-powered devices and Google assistants. According to Google, 27% of the global online population uses voice search, and marketers should anticipate the number to increase more in 2022 and the future.

User Experience

Artificial Intelligence in marketing and cybersecurity all play a role in enhancing user experience. As you know, a good user experience is what keeps your audience glued to their screens, browsing through your website. AI, through data analytics, will analyse thousands of pieces of data and user information to ensure that your website displays what your user will find compelling and appropriate.

Know more about UI in Digital marketing : All about UI UX | Learn to make your Content Design better in 2022

Dynamic Pricing

One surefire way to accelerate your sales is by providing your clients with discounts, and customers will mostly prefer those products with some discounts. AI in Digital marketing plays a role by dynamically setting prices of products depending on demand and supply mechanisms, customer profiles, purchase behaviours, and many other factors.

Creating Secure Mobile Applications

From recognizing facial features to authentication using fingerprints, AI-powered biometric and facial recognition technology is revolutionising the world. It’s extremely capable of studying the physical traits of a person. This is another excellent usage case for AI for mobile application development projects you could consider using in your business.

In the field of marketing and security, facial recognition and biometrics are vital in people’s lives. In the field of finance, your apps need to be safe for your customers. AI is used in the development of mobile apps. It isn’t an added feature but rather an essential feature in the current world. The integration of Artificial Intelligence in marketing and mobile application development projects can assist you in earning your customer’s confidence by offering full-time protection to them.

Email Marketing

Most brands are now leveraging the power of artificial intelligence in personalizing their email marketing campaigns. Personalised emails will help you to acquire a better connection with your prospects. Auto-learning techniques will analyse millions of customer data to generate a perfect email marketing strategy, such as the right time to send the mail, the type of content to include in your email, the title, and the subject of the email, among many other personal aspects.

Suggested blog to know more in email marketing : FREE EMAIL MARKETING TOOLS

Client Categorization – Risk profile

An individual’s financial position is transparent in their risk profile. And classifying customers based on this is a great way to assess their financial needs and offer the most suitable services and products.

Artificial intelligence tools show potential for automating the process of profiling customers based on their risk profiles. This profiling function helps experts to deliver product recommendations to customers in an appropriate and automated manner. All this wonderful process can be completed in just a millisecond.

Conclusion | AI in Digital Marketing

With the right skills and AI techniques, you can integrate AI into your marketing campaign and get the most out of your digital marketing strategies. We have learned what artificial intelligence is, how to incorporate AI in digital marketing and what the future holds for as far as AI and digital marketing are concerned. The above given AI in Digital marketing examples will surely help you in understanding the concept of digital marketing and its combination with AI.

It is now time to work towards incorporating AI in your digital campaign strategy. AI is indeed playing a significant role in revolutionising the art of digital marketing; we are confident to say that we are yet to see the real power of AI in digital marketing. Nevertheless, we might see more and more advancements in digital marketing in the future, thanks to AI. And with the start of 2022, we should brace ourselves to see a more bright side of AI in Digital marketing.